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Health Coach Academy

Jan 29, 2018

Don't get it confused Health Coaches.  Your brand is not your logo.  You are not Nike.  You are not Pepsi.  Our brand is our story.  People want to work with us because they relate to our unique story.  How we relay our story is the key to to whether we stand out in an otherwise saturated market.

To help us understand this concept, we invited Meiyoko Taylor to the show.  Meiyoko is an Internationally recognized author, entrepreneur and personal development coach. He works extensively with people from all across the world, showing them how to take control of their life, find their passion, and unlock the greatness that is within. With his new book, “Find Your Amazing- 5 Steps to Transforming your life”, Meiyoko helps people unlock their true potential and create their own version of success, firmly believing that “When your passion, purpose, and talents are in alignment something "amazing" has to happen”.  He joins the show today to discuss how health coaches can stand out in a saturated market.