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Health Coach Academy

Jun 24, 2020

Health coaches can learn a lot from successful yogis. If you look around, there's a million yoga practitioners. The same can be said about health coaches. So when we can pick the brain of a yoga instructor who has navigated their saturated markets, we can learn some valuable insights.

To discuss how she separated...

Jun 18, 2020

Sometimes when we offer our services to a prospective client, our message doesn't resonate with them. We have to really get into the mindset of that individual in order to present them with a pitch that speaks to what they truly desire.

To discuss this concept, and so much more, we invited Dr. Irena Kay to the show. Dr....

Jun 10, 2020

If you ever had any doubts about the importance of having a successful online business, Covid-19 has erased them all. Many industries have found themselves scrambling to convert their in-person operations onto the online space, and if your foundation wasn't sturdy enough, the cracks were quite clear.

To share some of...

Jun 5, 2020

In order to be a successful health coach, you have to become something that you currently aren't. Part of this growth is bridging the gap of where you are and what skills you need to get to where you want to go. One of the first steps to doing that is to envision what that person you want to be actually looks...