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Health Coach Academy

May 17, 2022

One of the most frequently asked question we get from our audience is, what should be the first thing we do when we finally get our health coaching certification?  The answer varies from perspective to perspective with compelling arguments for each and every answer.  So what we should prioritize should naturally create...

May 9, 2022

Health coaches have a unique opportunity when it comes to webinars. They are a really good opportunity to pitch our services and give a prospective client a ton of value. Only problem is that you would have to do this same pitch over and over again. What if you can do that pitch one time and it’s available 24 hours a...

May 3, 2022

The used car salesman. The snake oil salesman. Is it any wonder why we have such a negative connotation surrounding selling? These images are burned into our subconscious to such a degree that it takes a lot of work to actually begin to not feel funny about selling. It will take a lot more work to begin to actually...