Jan 9, 2024
It really is amazing how there's such a stigma around using a ghostwriter. People get help in the area of writing all the time! I myself use my virtual assistant to do my show notes. I use my copywriter to create my sales pages. But for some reason, even I feel a certain way considering using a ghostwriter to help out with any future books I intend to write. And this is after the fact that countless celebrities use them to get their books out! But maybe we are looking at this whole ghostwriting thing the wrong way.
To demystify the art of ghostwriting, we invited Lynn Smargis to the show. Lynn is the owner of Write For You, a company that creates content for content experts. She joins the show to share the many benefits of using a ghostwriter to not only assist you with your regular book, but to also work with you on book editing, book formatting, and book publishing.