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Health Coach Academy

Jun 27, 2022

Even in the internet age, people still rely on referals for most of their goods and services. If someone can vouch for you, your credibilty is greatly enhanced. Social proof is a great way to boost your brand and highlights the fact that it isn't what is said about you, but who says it. Now imagine if a publication...

Jun 8, 2022

Research has shown that glucose is a major player in many of the health issues that plague our world. Most likely, you have a client who would benefit from having a better handle on it. And since health coaches are always looking for ways to get their clients results, a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)is an awesome tool...

Jun 2, 2022

How much extra time and effort does it take to close a $100 an hour health coaching package in comparison to a $25,000 coaching package?  What if I told you that it doesn't really take that much more?  Even though this doesn't seem to make sense, it isn't the first time this concept was introduced to me. In fact, Magic...