Sep 11, 2024
When we hear about successful businesses, we often hear stories about the strategies that got these businesses to where they are. Whether that was a brilliant marketing campaign, or a unique branding idea. But we often don't get a glimpse of the mindset shift required to make radical changes in ourselves,...
Aug 6, 2024
The number one complaint health coaches have when starting out in their practice revolves around client acquisition. How do we get consistent clients, especially when we are brand new to the game? How do we get clients when we aren't established and we might be on a tight budget as well? This dilemna is the...
Jul 15, 2024
Imagine the power of having insider corporate financial strategies for your health coaching business? How much of a powerful infusion that would be! In this episode, Danielle Hendon shares insights on applying these strategies to small and medium-sized businesses. She discusses practical tips for budgeting, cash flow...
Jun 27, 2024
There's a lot that can be learned when you are working at Fortune 500 companies that can be transferable to a small business. These valuable insights help you mold your vision at a significantly broader scale and allow you to put into practice the successful strategies that these large companies routinely employ.